Sunday, June 28, 2015

Call to action for YOUR "bucketlist" from Medscape

Because you need to sign in and many wont:
Be a Hero for the Medical Profession
It's hard to be a doctor in today's healthcare environment. But instead of feeling defeated, many doctors are finding creative ways to defend their profession.
Paul Kempen, MD, an anesthesiologist at Weirton Medical Center, West Virginia, is one of them. Together with several other physicians, he spearheaded "Change Board Recertification," a national movement of physicians committed to reforming the board recertification process. Because physicians are "natural lifelong learners," continuing medical education (CME) and peer-reviewed journal articles should be sufficient to advance their knowledge, he says.
Grant Simons, MD, director of cardiac electrophysiology at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood, New Jersey, feels that employed physicians will need some form of labor union dedicated to advocacy. "I want to play a role in the formation of an organized labor entity for doctors, so we'll have a better negotiating position when dividing up bundled payments. I want to be the George Meany for physicians."
(Shown) Abraham Verghese, MD, physician-author, Professor for the Theory and Practice of Medicine at Stanford University Medical School.

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